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3 Easy Steps to Grow Wildflowers

Quick Start Wildflower Guide

So you want to plant some wildflowers. Sounds easy enough, right? Kind of. While the process of planting a wildflower garden can be so rewarding, it comes with some challenges. 

Wildflower seeds are just that, flowers from the wild! While all of our wildflower mixes contain a large variety of species that have adapted to grow in various soils and conditions, a little care and preparation will go a long way. So we’re breaking it down in a simple step-by-step guide anyone can follow.

Choosing Your Location

Observe your desired location throughout the day to see how much direct and indirect sunlight it receives. Partial shade mixes require only 4 hours of sunlight a day, while others require 6 hours a day and perform even better with more sunlight.

Water your location to make sure the soil has good drainage. If your water stays puddled, it means water won’t drain enough to dry the soil and will result in poor growth. 

Check the height specifications for your wildflowers from the back of the seed packet, and think how it will affect other areas of your garden. Some of our mixes contain wildflowers that can grow to up to four feet tall, while others stay below two feet.

Preparing Your Location

Remove any plants, grasses, and weeds, which call become competition for water, sunlight and nutrition. 

Use a hard rake or garden hoe to loosen the top 4 to 6 inches of soil and break apart any soil clumps or clots. A light and fluffy textured soil will have the right amount of air to allow for proper drainage and root respiration.

Amend the soil with a weed-free compost or fertilizer. Though wildflowers can do just fine without additional fertilizer, a small amount can give them a boost while they’re young. Be sure to use a balanced fertilizer - too much nitrogen can discourage blooming.

Sowing Your Seeds

Sowing the right amount of seeds can be tricky. Plant them too densely, they'll smother each other. Plant them too sparsely and you’ll have a patchy garden mixed with weeds. A good seeding ratio is about 1 ounce per 100 square feet, but you can mix the seeds with a light colored sand prior to spreading so you can easily see any bare patches of soil and ensure even sowing. 

Once you’ve spread the seeds, lightly rake them until they’re between ⅛ inch and ¼ inch below the soil. Gently raking the seeds ensures that none are planted too deeply, and seeds resting on the soil surface will have a better chance of germinating. Firmly compress the seeds into the soil with your hand or by walking on them to create that good, seed-to-soil contact.

Water your new wildflower patch so the soil is moist at least a few inches down. Maintain this moisture level for 4 to 6 weeks, or until your wildflower seedlings become established. 

Still have questions about this process? Feel free to contact us with any questions and we’ll be happy to help you further.